A Year-End Reflection That’s Fun: The 25:5:1 Process that Takes 20 Minutes
At the close of each year, we receive a flurry of email reminders and opportunities to try to squeeze out those last few moments. I’ve introduced lots of different ways that you can try out for reflection, and, I’m a firm believer that reflection any time of the year is great for you and your career.
And yet, we avoid reflection.
The last hurdle of December. Circle back next year season.
The days are getting shorter, and we’re navigating that holy shit moment of ending or closing out another year.
That may look like panicking that you didn’t complete your to-do list, or, it may look like releasing unrealistic expectations of wherever you landed.
May I offer the idea of radical self-acceptance and self-compassion from someone who skipped a run to take a nap this morning?
Maybe I’m actually offering it to myself because I’m navigating how I feel about that, too!
Where you are is where you should be.
That’s it.
So often we’re spending time looking at the gap between where we think we should be, and where we are. Don’t get me wrong, that can be incredibly motivating to focus on what comes next.
But, it can also result in nasty comparisons, or, even if you do make it there, some arrival fallacy of moving the goalpost again.
So today, we’re going to slow things down.
We’re going to reflect.
We’re going to play in the space that we are.
The 25:5:1 Reflection Exercise
25: Capture the 25 wins
5: Cement the 5 learnings
1: Uncover your 1 superpower
Grab a fresh sheet of paper or digital tool and we’ll dive in!
Or, you can download the printable version of this exercise!
25: Capture the 25 wins
Reflect on the 25 WINS of this year:
What are 25 things that went well this year?
Yep that’s a big number, but, in reality I’m asking you to think small.
Often we only celebrate the big wins like “I got a new job!”
When in fact, we should celebrate and recognize all the small wins that got you there. Like: I got better at networking, I reconnected with old colleagues, I nailed my interview pump-up routine, I learned how to recover from rejection, I got clearer on what I wanted out of work, etc…. See? That’s already 5 instead of 1!
It’s important to gather. So get writing!
Spoiler: this was originally planned as having to write 100 things. Want to try it? Go for it! And if you’re struggling on that front: the gentlest reminder that celebrating your wins doesn’t have to just happen at the end of the year. It can happen anytime.
5: Cement the 5 learnings
Cement the 5 LEARNINGS of this year:
Part of growth is failing.
It’s very rare that anyone who finds success just hides away tinkering without ever being out in the world.
We have to make mistakes!
So what are 5 learnings from this year? That could look like: I found out I hate delegating! Or, email marketing takes way longer than I thought. Or, long-term planning doesn’t happen unless I plan for long-term planning
1: Uncover your 1 superpower
Uncover your SUPERPOWER from this year:
While you review your wins alongside your learnings and takeaways, there’s one last thing to think about: YOU!
You’re the one that made it all happen this year, so, let’s take a moment to think about what you brought to the table, and how it’ll help you next year in collecting wins and learnings.
BONUS STEP! Top 3 priorities for next year!
So much of our lives is reacting to stimuli.
You know what I mean. It’s when the day just gets away from you.
That’s normal.
We don’t exist in a vacuum. We have responsibilities and joyful activities.
So rather than beating ourselves up on what didn’t make the 25 List of wins, let’s adapt and play within those 5 learnings.
Now that we’ve seen how this past year has gone, let’s get clear on our intentions for next year.
If I had to say, tell me a top priority for this upcoming year, what is it?
Push yourself to get even clearer.
No, even clearer.
An example.
My health is a priority for this year.
My health is a priority for this year so I want to make sure I’m exercising and taking care of myself.
My health is a priority for this year so I want to make sure I’m exercising and taking care of myself, and the way I’m going to deliver on this priority looks like: Schedule 3 work outs per week with a coach/accountability buddy, set a “wind-down” alarm on my phone to remind myself to stop doomscrolling or watching TV, and, I’m going to join a CSA so there are fresh veggies on my doorstep each week
BONUS BONUS STEP: Take one step and apply it. I.e. schedule those first 3 workouts for next year.
So where are you focusing your time and energy next year?
If you want to take it a step further, check out 100 Days, it’s a live coaching program designed to make the most of 100 days towards your goals without burning out or beating yourself up. Productivity mindset without the hustle and grind.
If you’re trying to be more intentional about how you spend your time in - and out - of work, come work with me in the new year, be like Priya:
Working with Rikki, I built my palace outside of work. I took stock of how I was progressing, week over week and felt in alignment with my goals. It has had a marked improvement on my happines, and now I am more confident about where I want to go professionally from here. - Priya