You need a Wins Folder. Here’s how to take it on.

Gold trophy with text overlay You Need a Wins Folder, ASAP, Seriously, Rikki Goldenberg, Executive Leadership Coach, Career Coach

Ah yes... the performance review. The end-all-be-all of the year. The time to demonstrate all your capabilities and wins in one shining moment.

You have 90 minutes to put it together.

Because guess what? You also have to do everyone else’s performance reviews. (Read more here: Performance Reviews - how to prepare + a great template to steal!)

For some of us, the performance review is an anxiety inducing experience.

But for others, they’re ready to shout their wins, and their team’s wins, from the rooftops.

Their secret?

They have a wins folder.

What is a wins folder?

Exactly what it sounds like! You keep a folder of wins that have happened for you, your projects, and members of your team. If you manage a group of people, keep wins folders for them.

The folder is where you’ll store things like celebratory slack messages, examples of really great presentations - along with the results, and congratulatory emails or launches.

How do you start a wins folder?

Simple. Make either a folder on your desktop or drives, and then add things as they come in! Whether it’s a screen grab from a colleague or manager, or a full-sized presentation you’re proud of, it’s gathering the fodder you need.

Looking to create a consistent practice of keeping track of wins for yourself and your team?

  • Add any wins that come up in your 1 on 1s with your team, or your manager

  • Schedule a 15-minute end-of-week wrap-up to capture what went well this week - you can even do it daily as a gratitude practice!

  • Grab and sort things as they come through

Now what?!

If you notice that your wins folder is looking sort of meek... it might be time to revisit your career path and reconsider the overarching plan.

Still struggling? Reach out.


Performance Reviews are awful. Here are some ideas to improve them. (Plus a Template!)


How to celebrate your wins…because you deserve it.